Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Amelia's Mummy tagged me & request me to fill in...but I think some are too young for me to fill it now..cos I have not explore the world of treasures...

Seven THINGS that scares me :

1. having nitemares

2. being left alone in the walker

3. being left alone in the room

4. being left alone in the cradle

5. being left alone

6. being left alone

7. being left alone

Seven THINGS I like most:

1. Milk!

2. porridge!!

3. biscuits!!

4. my toy ball!

5. my grannies & grandpas!

6. My daddy & mummy!

7. my pet dogs!

Seven important things in my room:

1. My boster

2. my pacifier

3. my diaper

4. my toy ball

5. my lalluby

6. my water bottle

7. my milk!

Seven random facts about me :

1. I drool

2. I am a boy!

3. I want to play with Pebble!

4. I tuck on my pacifier

5. starting to like to tuck on my milk bottle too

6. ..........

7. .......

Seven things I plan to do before I die :

hmmm...this I haven't think of yet..will tell you when I am older..

Seven things I can't do :

1. walk

2. talk

3. swim

4. kick

5. run

6. dance

7. jump

Seven things I say the most :

1. yawn (sound)

2. aarrrrr

3. yea

4. hmmmm

5. eeeerrrr

6. kkekekekeekeke

7. hum hum hum hum

Seven things that attracts me to the opposite sex :

mummy says I am too young for this...

Seven celebrity crushes :

Who are they?

Seven people who have to do this :

1. Astro mama

2. God Ma!

3. Papa Eric!

4. Amelia!

5. Aunt Sharon!

6. Jaylen kor kor!

7. Botak mama


Angeline said...

I agree. Too young. But still fun to read. I guess it will be even more interesting when you get older.

Arkerchi said...

Cute little fellow... and please help me thank ur mummy for dropping by my blog ever so often.

Jarrett Growing said...

hehehee...thanks NMOTB (new mom on the blog) hehehehee...that's when I explore more!

No problem Arkerchi mummy. ^ ^